You don't get much more of a shock than when you find out your beloved partner in life has a health condition that threatens life as you've comfortably come to know it. Combine that with a slap-in-the-face loss of a closer-than-close Presidential election. I can understand how John Edwards came through this a changed man in many ways. Most of us have been turned around by experiences in our own lives. Why shouldn't we expect that Senator Edwards is any different then we are? Thankfully for us, he's willing to look people like Tim Russert in the eye (knowing that it's America he's looking in the eye) and tell all of us just how wrong he thinks it was.
I hope Americans "get" this. I think we Americans are apt to forgive those who are willing to take these tough confrontations head-on and those who are willing to reveal themselves, convincingly, as the human beings that they are. When you combine that with everything else I heard from Senator Edwards this morning about all the issues that matter here and now in 2007, I saw a leader that Americans, if they did not already know Senator Edwards, were invited to get to know in a way that revealed to them a man of outstanding character, vision, and honesty.
I saw this and came away impressed. He solidly staked out a position against Bush's war and for universal health care.
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