Our campaign goes on and it goes on strongly. We are so proud of the campaign we are running—a campaign based on ideas and reaching out to people. This campaign is not about me or Elizabeth—it's about all the people we have met these past few years and people like them all across America and the world—people worried about feeding and clothing their kids; people without health care; people facing hardships overseas.
Both of us are committed to this campaign. We're committed to this cause and we're committed to changing this country we love so much.
Thank you again for your support and for standing with us.
- Senator John Edwards, from a campaign email today
As I'm sure my readers will already know, I am deeply saddened by the news that Elizabeth Edwards will have to face yet another trying time as she fights this cancer. How I wish Elizabeth did not have to go through this. The wonderful part of the news is that she will not have to face it alone. She'll have her beloved husband and family by her - always. I've come to care very much about the Edwards - I feel, in many ways, that they are family - and my first reaction to the news that Senator Edwards will continue this campaign is that I think it's the right thing for him to have done because it was his decision and Elizabeth's decision. Family is the Edwards' first priority. They support one another and stand strong through the hardest of times - and that, to me, is setting a great example to anyone seeking personal victory and happiness in their own life.
Whatever John Edwards and his wife and family decide to do has my blessing. The Edwards have my prayers and support, as always.
I'm not sure why Politico.com had spread inaccurate news about the Edwards' intent before they really knew what was happening. It caused CNN to repeat the inaccuracies in a rush to report. It's no wonder we get so many false and misleading stories in the news. Saddest of all, this was the highest level of attention that CNN has paid to John Edwards' campaign since he announced he'd run for President. I think that fact is a damned shame. Worst of all, I heard the Fox News Live host Jon Scott cynically questioning Senator Edwards' statement of optimism immediately after the press conference. Dr. Robert Ashton, who was being interviewed, put the news host in his place, saying that he believed that optimism was the best thing for the Edwards to have.
Fools like Kathleen Parker write about trivial nonsense while a family faces the trial of a lifetime amidst a Presidential campaign. How I wish people could get real.
I wonder how Ann Coulter's feeling right now?
In the absence of eloquent words to say right now, I am going to repeat what David (Anonymoses) said just this morning. I think it ties in beautifully with the Edwards' statement about their optimism, tenacity, love, and vision:
Fyodor Dostoyevsky is reputed to have said: "Suffering is the sole origin of consciousness", which, among other things, conjures images from the life of the young buddha. Gurdjieff talks about how we evolve our being through what he called "conscious suffering".
Thinking about such things has given me courage during trying times, which is why I wanted to share it.
In many ways, Life is a steady stream of bad news. And sometimes, bad news is just well-disguised good news.
The stress of having one's current reality be so far from ideal, provides the fuel and energy that will propel one toward one's vision.
May the Edwards family be filled with light, love, peace, good health and repose.
- David
Elizabeth, you'll never be alone in this battle. May God comfort you and may you know how many of us love you and care about you. May you have the spiritual strength to bear any physical discomfort that you may have to endure from day to day, and may you find healing, spiritual fortitude, and peace from God's guiding hands.